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The Half-New Year Resolution

As we approach the mid point in the year, how many of us started the year with a new years resolution of being healthier in 2019? How many of us kept that up?

Whether it be more exercise, healthier diets, mindfulness or something else, very few of us actually follow through our new years resolutions past the first few weeks.

If you kept up your resolution to live a healthier life, well done. Give yourself a small reward this weekend. You've achieved six months. If you didn't, there is no reason why you cannot start now.

For the past few years I have set myself a target - 1,000 miles walked in the year - it works out about 3 miles a day. If you have one of the fitness watches, it can work it out for you. I am approximately 5 miles behind schedule. Easy to catch up (I blame the recent rain).

So from 1 July you have half a year left. Why not set yourself a 500 mile challenge for the remainder of the year? It's easy to do, even if you sit at a desk all day at work.

If it is feasible, walk to work, or park away and walk in. Park at the farthest point on the car park. Use the stairs not the lift. Print to a printer away from your desk so you have to walk to it. Go for a walk before or after work, or at lunchtime. Some businesses have walking lunch breaks where groups of employees will do a mile walk in their lunch hour. At weekends, go for a longer walk. You'll be surprised how little three miles actually is.

Since I started exercising, the feel good factor has been boosted. It takes your mind away from the stresses of life, and gives me some "me time". Small changes to improve health. I prefer walking, and swimming. You may prefer other forms of exercise, whatever you do, treat yourself and do it for you. You deserve it.

So - happy 2019-and-a-half. Set yourself a half year resolution. It's not rocket science, nor need it cost anything. But it can make a huge difference to your self-esteem, your mental health, your physical health, and your wellbeing.

Good luck. Be healthy. But do it safely.

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