Did you know that this week is National Eye Health Check Week (24-30 September)?
Eyes are vitally important to us - they allow us to see, they attract people to you, and they say a lot about you.
Yet they are also very fragile. Many activities at work could cause eye problems or even sight loss.
In an office environment for example, staring at a monitor for hours at a time can cause eye strain and headaches.
Remember too eye tests can pick up tumours, cancers, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid issues and so much more, so make sure you have an eye test at least once every two years.
Bright lights, sparks and splashes of chemical, dust and fumes can all affect the eyes and eyesight.
Drivers have to meet particular standards to be able to drive.
Employers must look after you and your eyes.
Users of computers are entitled to eye tests from employers via the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations, and employers must prevent harm to eyes via control measures implemented as a result of risk assessment.
If you run a business and need help to ensure you protect yours and your employees eyes and sight, then contact us now for help and advice.