October 10th is World Mental Health Awareness Day
Mental health is everyone’s business – it’s something we all have. Being mentally healthy doesn’t mean that you don’t have a mental health problem. If you have good mental health, you can:
Make the most of your potential
Cope with life
Play a full part in your family, workplace, community, and among friends
When we think about our physical health we know that there is a place for keeping ourselves fit, and a place for getting help as early as possible to help us get better - Mental health is just the same.
Your mental health doesn’t always stay the same – it can change as circumstances change and as you move through different stages in your life.
Following these Top Ten Tips can help you:
1) Talk about your feelings - it’s healthy to know and say how you are feeling
2) Keep Active – can increase esteem, help sleep & concentration
3) Eat Well – a diet that is good for your physical health is good for your mental health
4) Drink Sensibly – drinking is only a temporary way to manage difficult feelings
5) Keep in touch – family & friends offer support to help deal with the stresses of life
6) Ask for help – others can offer practical help or a listening ear
7) Take a break - a change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health
8) Do something you’re good at – enjoying yourself can help beat stress
9) Accept who you are – we’re all different – its healthier to accept you’re unique
10) Care for others – brings you closer to others and makes us feel valued and needed