Yesterday, the latest part of the Government's roadmap back to reopening England after lockdown came into force. For some, this is exciting, for others, it makes them anxious.
We are now, hopefully, in the last part of lockdown. The vaccine rollout is working, and evidence even shows it to be working against the Indian variant that is prevalent in Bolton and elsewhere at present.
There are some things however that are causing some confusion in businesses.
The work from home where possible rule is still in place. It has not yet been scrapped.
Indoor workplaces must continue to operate a one metre plus rule. (2 metres without masks or face coverings).
Indoor workplaces must have adequate ventilation, such as open windows or doors, or some form of mechanical ventilation.
In order to remain COVID-19 safe in your business:
Complete / Update your COVID-19 risk assessment
Clean more often.
Remind your visitors and staff to wear face coverings in any indoor space or where required to do so by law
Make sure everyone is social distancing.
Provide adequate ventilation. This means supplying fresh air to enclosed space where people are present. This can be natural ventilation through windows, doors and vents, mechanical ventilation using fans and ducts, or a combination of both. 
Take part in NHS Test and Trace by keeping a record of all your staff and contractors for 21 days.
Turn people with coronavirus symptoms away.
Consider the mental health and wellbeing aspects of COVID-19 for yourself and others.
Only use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where appropriate. Where you already use PPE in work, you should continue to do so.
Work with the same team every day.
Arrange work spaces to keep staff apart.
Minimise deliveries and frequency of handling and use the same pairs of people for load handling where more than one person is needed.
Keep music and other background noise to a minimum
Communicate and train your employees.
Make sure you display the up to date Covid-19 Secure certificate (