Many small business owners will have seen the slogan "When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a little happy dance." This is true - but it isn't necessarily a little dance. With all small businesses, someone has taken a gamble into the world of self-employment. They’ve risked money, security, family and a lot more to go alone. That in itself needs congratulating. We all have goals, including small business owners. Whatever they are, when we make a big step to meeting them, or actually achieve them, it is healthy to celebrate. It doesn't have to be in a big way, but it is important we do. Those small successes that lead to celebrations give us the momentum to go forward with new, realistic goals, that allow us, and our businesses to grow and succeed. I don't necessarily dance - to be honest I would probably fall over - I do a clenched fist, bent elbow, and go "Yes!". That is my little celebration, my self-congratulation - my little happy dance. What is your little happy dance of self congratulation? What gives you the confidence to know you are doing OK and move forward?
To those of you that have allowed me my little happy dance - thank you - it means a lot.