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HSE announces new statistics that show GB remains one of the safest countries to work

The Health and Safety Executive has announced its annual injury and ill-health statistics that it says shows Great Britain to be one of the safest places in the world to work.

It had previously announced that the year 2019 /2020 (the year up to June this year) had the lowest number of workplace deaths on record (111).

The regulator says that over half of working days lost in 2019/20 were due to mental ill health.

In Great Britain in the year 2019/2020, there were:

  • 111 fatal injuries at work

  • 693,000 non-fatal injuries, 65,427 reported under RIDDOR

  • 1,600,000 working people suffering from work-related illness

  • 38,800,000 working days lost due to workplace injury and work related illness costing the economy an estimated £16.2 billion

  • 325 successful prosecutions, resulting in total fines of £35,800,000

In 2018 (latest data available) there were also 2,446 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures.

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