The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced a new mobile phone app, which it says is "designed to help organisations understand the law, their health and safety rights, and their responsibilities."
It is available to download for a small fee (£2.99) from the Apple iOS store and the Google Play Store.
The HSE claims that the app is "designed with small and medium sized businesses in mind", and "includes practical advice and step-by-step guidance on a range of topics, including managing risk, work-related stress and the health and safety toolbox."
The HSE's mission is to ensure that health and safety information is available in a variety of formats, hence the app.
Prior to developing the app, the HSE conducted research with SMEs and discovered that many wanted a quick reference guide on their mobile or tablet.
Nearly all the information on the app is available for free on the HSE website, or from other sources, so it could be said that paying a fee for free information is a little unnecessary.
That said, the information on the app is displayed in an easy to use format, is detailed enough to be useful as a quick summary reminder when away from the site office of important guidance.
The app is new, and there are a few bugs on it, and not all subjects are covered as yet. The information is not as detailed as on the HSE website, but provides useful summaries.
It also will update you when legislation or guidance changes.
The app was only launched in late 2020. For what it is, it has its uses, and some will find it more useful than others.
For the price of a large coffee, it's probably worth getting if you manage a small or medium sized business regulated by the HSE, especially when on site where access to some information may be needed.