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How good health and safety policies and procedures can help your business grow.

Health and safety policies and procedures can help a business grow. This is because they: •Demonstrate that your business is addressing its health and safety obligations. •Show that your business is committed to working within a set of health and safety principles. •Clarify functions and responsibilities in your business. •Ensure that safe systems of work are recorded, communicated to workers and implemented in a consistent way throughout your business. •Guide the future actions of workers in a formal way. •Help your business to manage staff more effectively by defining acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. •Save time by allowing health and safety matters to be handled quickly through an existing procedure, rather than staff dealing with problems as they occur or responding differently each time the same issues arise. •Are a legal requirement when your business employs more than four people. A health and policy is far more than a one page statement. It is also the organisational arrangements that will allow all your business activities to be carried out with safety in mind. Many small businesses put health and safety on the back burner whilst getting on with running their business. By putting health and safety at the forefront of your business, you are not only protecting your workforce and others, but you are showing potential clients and the regulators that you are taking your obligations seriously. KSH Safety Services can help you to develop a bespoke health and safety policy and procedures manual for your business. Contact us today .

• If your company is based within St Helens, then St Helens Chamber MAY be able to assist with this. Find out more here.

Online Training brochure

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